
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7763 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/24/2013
Subject: trouble with kmotioncnc crashing!
well, I like Mondays but this is not a way to start.
fired up my computer to cut some parts.
loaded kmotioncnc and zero'ed out the machine.
started cutting and sipping on my coffee.
ran 2 cycles no problems. about 5 minutes of work.
go to run the 3rd and there is no reponse on the screen with the cursor?
win7 eventually says it is not responding and I close it down.
now it wont load and work at all?
rebooted and such and no difference.
specs are

win7 32 bit computer (does nothing but run the mill)
kmotion 4.31d

Group: DynoMotion Message: 7764 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/24/2013
Subject: Re: trouble with kmotioncnc crashing!
for some reason my code for the init file wont compile now too?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7765 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/24/2013
Subject: Re: trouble with kmotioncnc crashing!
so I changed the



so the init button does not change the postion as you suggested in my other topic.

I assumes the "EnableAxisDest(0,ch0->Dest);" would be the same for all three channels like this....

this gives me a compile error = C:\KMotion431d\C Programs\shiz code.c:116: too many arguments to function
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7767 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/24/2013
Subject: Re: trouble with kmotioncnc crashing!
you know, are we doing something like making multiple threads running or something?

what are out files?
should there only be one for each c code file used?

thanks I am all scrambled again. lol
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7769 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/24/2013
Subject: Re: trouble with kmotioncnc crashing!
Hi Matt,

Sounds like you are having all manner of problems today.

The .out files (COFF common object file format) are basically temporary files that you don't need to be concerned with.  When a C program is compiled to run in a particular Thread the generated binary code is specific to that Thread.  So the file name is labeled for the Thread that it was made for.  You can delete them all if you wish.  The next time you Compile a program it will be automatically re-created.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 7770 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/24/2013
Subject: Re: trouble with kmotioncnc crashing!
well I checked it out after lunch and come to find out the Estop was on the whole time.
I am not sure if this could freak out windows or kmotion into not responding but it did run 2 cycles in the morning before dieing.

it looks like my Estop c code must just stop once and not hold the stop?
I need to wire in a couple red lights to signify the Estop so this does not happen again.